I have worked with occupational safety throughout my career: the past ten years as a safety specialist at Fingrid and, before that, in occupational safety roles in the forest industry, construction yards, and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
I have noticed that the challenges and tools are fairly similar across all industries. The key to achieving a high standard of occupational safety is to have everyone committed to promoting and maintaining it.
When I started at Fingrid, we were still using paper forms to record safety observations. Today, accident reports, safety observations, work risk assessments, MVR measurements and responsibility audits are all digital. Occupational safety data is sent to Fingrid’s reporting system, which helps maintain constant situational awareness of occupational safety.
Preventive action is the prerequisite for a high standard of occupational safety. The amount of preventive action has increased enormously on Fingrid’s worksites over the past ten years. And this year is no exception: safety observations, safety toolbox talks, and work risk assessments have been done very actively. We expect Fingrid’s Triple Jump Towards Zero campaign to propel the number even higher.
The standard of occupational safety and safety attitudes have improved over the long term. Nonetheless, there is still room for improvement in occupational safety, as we have not yet reached our goal of zero accidents.
Avoid taking risks and intervene whenever you see dangerous behaviour.
Moreover, there have been some serious near-misses recently related to electrical and occupational safety. Unfortunately, this year, we have also identified some worrying risk-taking on Fingrid’s worksites, such as people working at heights without fall protection and removing additional earthing with their bare hands. Risk-taking like this is a serious matter for us, and we are strict in our approach to addressing it.
Every one of us must take care of our own safety and the safety of our colleagues. Avoid taking risks and intervene whenever you see dangerous behaviour. Remember the principles of the Triple Jump to Zero campaign in all situations: plan, evaluate and think before you act.
Karri Koskinen
Expert, Safety