Progress on the Nordic balancing model

The joint Nordic balancing model is making progress in Finland and all across the region. Some adjustments have been made to the timetables.

Before the joint Nordic capacity market for the automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) can go live, each transmission system operator may first deploy the new market platform in its national market. This will be possible as of September. The go-live process for the pan-Nordic market will begin at year-end at the earliest.

The closure of the aFRR capacity market has been scheduled for 8:30 am (Finnish time) on the day before the delivery. Go-live instructions for the aFRR capacity market have also been published.

The schedule for the energy market in the manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR) has been updated. The decision was made to postpone the introduction of the marketplace by six months to the final quarter of 2022. The automated mFRR energy market will remain in operation until 22 May 2023.

Go-live instructions for the mFRR energy market have also been published along with a product memorandum.

The Nordic transmission system operators remain committed to the simultaneous transition to a 15-minute imbalance settlement period on 22 May 2023. The go-live date will be confirmed in April at the latest when the Energy Authority issues a decision on the matter.

The Energy Authority’s consultation period ended on 15 February. What results can the consultation be expected to produce? What is the most important lesson from the consultation? Read more:

We will provide information about the progress of Nordic balancing model projects and arrange webinars on topics relevant to the projects. Among the topics to be covered in the upcoming webinars will be the 15-minute imbalance settlement period, which will be discussed on 15 March and 12 April. Keep up to date on our website:

Further information: (Finnish)

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