Nordic operational planning office opens in Copenhagen

The operational planning office of four Nordic transmission system operators is currently launching its operations in Copenhagen. Closer cooperation will also improve the functioning of the Nordic market and TSOs.

In the future, the Nordic operational planning office (Nordic RSC) will manage joint-Nordic operational planning. The organisation is just starting up and will become fully operational in 2017. Five tasks have been defined for the organisation: cross-border capacity calculation, system security analysis and risk identification, coordination of cross-border outages, maintenance and development of common network models, and regional short-term electricity adequacy forecasts.

The change underway in the energy system requires the harmonisation of EU legislation. For example, the network codes for electricity markets and system operation set many new requirements for all parties involved in the European electricity markets and power system operation.

Each TSO will send employees to Copenhagen, and in the early stages the office will employ around ten people. The aim of the cooperation is to share knowledge and experience from each employee’s “home” TSO and develop a new common Nordic operational planning process.

The key to further enhancing Nordic cooperation is the development and implementation of a common standardised network model for the Nordic electricity market. The network model includes all data from the Nordic power system that is needed for monthly, daily and hourly operational planning. The Nordic operational planning office utilises new IT tools that are able to handle big data efficiently.

The main target and value creation of the office are based on converting vast amounts of data from the entire Nordic power system into valuable operational planning information.

The national TSOs still have the full responsibility for the operation of the national transmission systems. The information generated in the operational planning office will help the TSOs to optimise the available transmission capacity available in the grid and operate the future green Nordic power system as securely as at present.

It’s a huge task to establish the joint operational planning office and, in particular, to implement the standardised network model. However, this will ensure the reliability and quality of data and develop IT calculation tools that can handle huge amounts of data every hour.

The joint operational planning office will be completely operational by the end of 2017.

Starting their work at the new operational planning office in Copenhagen are Viktor Johansson, Helene Sundheim, Erik Ahlström, and in the background Stig R. Hansen.
Representing Fingrid at the joint office will be Power System Planning Specialist Ilkka Luukkonen and Operational Planning Specialist Henri Nevalainen.


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