New grid connections subject to temporary restrictions on the west coast

The dramatic growth in wind power and the regional concentration on the west coast poses a challenge to the stability of power plants and the power system as a whole.

Problem-solving requires new connections to the main grid and changes to the control systems in power plants. Until these changes bring some much-needed relief, we will be forced to restrict the grid connections of power plants and grid energy storage facilities connecting via power converters on the west coast.

Scope of restrictions

  • Converter-connected installations rated at more than one megawatt are not permitted to connect to the main grid or distribution network (this does not apply to connection agreements made before 1 May 2023).
  • The restriction applies in the area marked on the map on our website. The area is approximate, so it is advisable to check with Fingrid whether installations can be connected if they are located at the edge of the area.
  • Distribution network transmission lines fed from the network areas marked on the map are subject to the restriction.

The restrictions do not apply to individual converter-connected installations rated at less than one megawatt or synchronous machine power plants. New main grid connections will be completed in the region in 2027 and 2028. We will notify our customers of any changes to the
restrictions and when the restrictions are lifted.

The maximum wind power output will be occasionally reduced during transmission outages

In the coming months, during planned transmission outages we will set the maximum wind power output from the west coast at a level lower than normal. The change will have the greatest effect when peak wind power output coincides with planned transmission outages. This action will be taken in close cooperation with wind power producers

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