The electricity market has been completed transformed over the last 20 years, resulting in a reduction in generation at thermal power plants in Southern Finland and an increase in inexpensive and carbon neutral energy in the north. The hundreds of new wind power plants in Northern Finland and on the west coast were the driving force behind the largest north-to-south transmission line project in Fingrid’s history – the Forest Line, which runs over 300 kilometres from Oulu to Petäjävesi in Central Finland.
The Lake Line, a planned transmission line of a similar length running from Oulu to Lappeenranta, is undergoing environmental impact assessments this summer. Work on the 280-kilometre transmission
line connection will take place in phases until 2027/2028. The ongoing Oulujoki network development
project and investments in the Imatra region are also related to the Lake Line.
Over the next decade, Fingrid will invest EUR 1.3 billion in the main grid, which is over EUR 100 million per year.