

My first perceptions of Fingrid

Columnist Päivi Nerg is Permanent Under-Secretary for Governance Policy at the Ministry of Finance. She previously worked as Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior. Nerg became a member of Fingrid’s Board of Directors in 2018.


Hello – Is Fingrid listening?

The feedback from customers is highly appreciated in Fingrid. Feedback is processed in different steering groups and it is used to develop the activities, says Jussi Jyrinsalo, Senior Vice President, Customers and Grid Planning. PUBLISHED 5.4.2018.


Towards the future power system

As a transmission system operator, Fingrid has a central role in powering Finland. During the past year 2017, we continued to develop the grid for the power system of the future, writes Fingrid’s President and CEO Jukka Ruusunen. Take a look at the Annual Report:
PUBLISHED 20.3.2018


Job motivation creates joy

I participated in a training session in which we discussed the joy of work and creativity. What maintains joy and what kills it? Text by Senior Vice President Tiina Miettinen, HR and Communications. PUBLISHED 27.2.2018


The energy transition will only be successful if we involve consumers

The days when electricity flowed in one direction from combustion plants to consumer outlets are over. We are now in the midst of a global energy revolution caused by decentralised technologies and digitalisation – and Finland should take advantage of it. PUBLISHED 24.11.2017


How about trust?

I have followed the revision of the Finnish Working Hours Act with great interest. The need for this reform is apparent and, therefore, it was quite unfortunate that the working group tasked with it never reached a conclusion, writes Tiina Miettinen, Fingrid’s Senior Vice President, HR and communications, in her blog posting. PUBLISHED 19.9.2017


The myth of the green consumer

One of the goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to “by 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.” Consumers are being asked to take action to prevent climate change around the world. Large problems are solved by small acts on the part of consumers. Information and the right attitudes turn into responsible choices in a trivial way. I like to call this kind of wishful thinking the myth of the green consumer.


Digital information security

Finland has been taken over by digitalisation fever. It seems to be reaching all sections of society and is approaching hype proportions. Fingrid has already been carrying out digitalisation for years, especially in the automation of power system operations and proactive maintenance solutions. Today, digitalisation is used to achieve efficiency and cost benefits in all sections of business. Published 8.9.2017.


The Winter Package – music to the ears but too much ROC

“Last November, the European Commission announced a bunch of legislative proposals concerning the Energy Union. Since then, the proposals, called the Winter Package, have received a new name,” writes Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, Fingrid’s Senior Vice President, Markets, in her blog posting. PUBLISHED 5.4.2017

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