

A player community for the energy industry?

One of the factors driving the success of the Finnish games industry is the level of openness and cooperation with players. Employees at game companies provide each other with tips about effective marketing tactics, help each other find good partners for the analytics used in games, and give unfinished games to each other and enthusiastic players for commenting.

Main grid

A strong main grid enables clean energy production

Finland has always had a good understanding of how important maintenance is, and Fingrid has been a global trailblazer since the company’s early days, writes Executive Vice President Kari Kuusela.


Building safety culture together

The Safety on the Lines magazine is now linked with our customer magazine, because occupational safety is Fingrid’s number one priority in all its activities.


Finland’s transmission system operator

Fingrid is actively asking different stakeholders for their opinions on how we have succeeded in our operations. The latest results look very good, writes President and CEO Jukka Ruusunen.


Solar electricity in every home?

The writer is a non-fiction author and inventor who does a lot of teaching and expert work in the energy industry. Janne Käpylehto has also worked with mathematical software at NASA. Janne likes to sail his floating sauna to Tallinn in the summer and make ice carousels in the winter.


Electric cars, threat or opportunity?

The present government of Finland has set as its target 250,000 electric cars and chargeable hybrids by 2030. What does an increase in the number of electric cars mean for the electricity system and market, analyzes Mikko Heikkilä, expert in the Fingrid market function. PUBLISHED 21.11.2018


A recipe for influential communication

A lot of companies have recognised the importance of influential communication and good interaction. This is actually one of today’s megatrends, says Tiina Miettinen, Senior Vice President, HR and Communications. PUBLISHED 18.11.2018


A well-functioning electricity market is the sum of many factors

The energy transformation is increasingly visible in our daily lives. Electricity is being produced in a more decentralised manner in smaller units. Research and development play an important role in terms of implementing this 
major change in the power system in a controlled manner, writes Senior Vice President Asta Sihvonen-Punkka. PUBLISHED 17.9.2018.


My first perceptions of Fingrid

Columnist Päivi Nerg is Permanent Under-Secretary for Governance Policy at the Ministry of Finance. She previously worked as Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior. Nerg became a member of Fingrid’s Board of Directors in 2018.

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