

A wise energy strategist understands things at grassroots level

Finland has set itself a truly ambitious climate target: Finland will be climate neutral in 2035, and carbon-negative soon after! A key means of reducing emissions is to eliminate the emissions of industry, heating and transport by electrifying them, writes Jukka Ruusunen, Fingrid’s President & CEO.


Ensuring the security of supply in a state of emergency

The ongoing pandemic has caused an unprecedented shock to the continuity of many everyday functions that were previously taken for granted. The pandemic and the consequent state of emergency have put Finland’s overall security to the test, writes Jukka Ruusunen, Fingrid’s President & CEO, who also chairs the Council for Security of Supply and Infrastructure.


Climate hope instead of climate anxiety

As Finland’s largest youth association, the Scouts are taking responsibility for fostering the relationship of young people with nature, writes Kaisa Leikola, Chief Executive of the Guides and Scouts of Finland.


Corporate responsibility is reflected in Fingrid’s duties

In my opinion, Fingrid’s biggest corporate responsibility pledge for this decade is crystallised in our basic mission: Fingrid is tasked with ensuring that our society has reliable electricity under all circumstances and promoting a power system based on electricity generated without emitting carbon dioxide, says Marina Louhija, Fingrid’s General Counsel.


What are we prepared for?

Fingrid constantly strives to reduce the risk of large-scale power cuts and improve its ability to restore power as quickly as possible, writes Senior Vice President Reima Päivinen.


The energy revolution has arrived – is Fingrid ready?

The government’s programme includes clear targets for increasing the amount of wind power built on market terms, which will create the opportunity to improve Finland’s self-sufficiency in terms of electricity generation, writes Director Timo Kiiveri from Fingrid.


Who will be the winners in the energy revolution?

In principle, it should be simple to combat climate change, at least from the perspective of an electricity transmission system operator. We should make the power system clean and electrify everything we can, writes Fingrid’s Senior Expert Mikko Heikkilä.

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