

Greenhouses balance out disturbances in the power system

Oksasen Puutarha specialises in cultivating lettuces. The company, which is based in the north of Turku, has been providing the frequency containment reserve for disturbances (FCR-D) and demand response for two years now. The provision of FCR-D causes the lights to go out in the greenhouse a few times a month, as agreed, in return for payments to Oksasen Puutarha.


New measurement systems – better reliability

A renewed system to measure power quality and new travelling wave fault location will improve power quality monitoring and disturbance clearing in Fingrid’s main grid. The investments in new measurement equipment allow more effective anticipation, location and investigation of faults that pose a threat to the main grid. This will also enhance electrical safety in the main grid.


Keeping the lid on electricity bills

The cloud-based OptiWatti is a smart management system for electric heating. Controlled energy use decreases the environmental burden and also saves money.


The net impact calculator

Upright Oy is a company led by Annu Nieminen that is developing a calculation model to measure and compare the total impacts of companies’ operations. The goal is to encourage companies to optimise their net impacts. Last year Upright and Fingrid performed a practice calculation that examined the total impacts of Fingrid’s operations.


Large investment in Olkiluoto hub

Olkiluoto substation, which is one of the most important main grid hubs, will be renewed using a solution that is unique in Finland. Once Olkiluoto


The risk of an electricity shortage was just a scare

Last summer’s fire at Olkiluoto substation was a practical test for Fingrid’s preparedness to act in a real situation involving the threat of an electricity shortage. The case provided experience and practice for internal coordination and contacts, and also for developing internal and external communications in serious situations.


The future is built in workshops and competitions

Sometimes the best perspectives come from an entirely different industry. Recently, Fingrid has actively tested some of the different concepts for bringing competence together and creating innovation. For example, various innovation events and competitions create an inspiring atmosphere, which in the best cases leads to new creative, productive cooperation.


Hackathlon spurred new business

What happens when the hackathlon spirit takes over at Fingrid’s headquarters in Käpylä? This was the case in late November when seven teams competed in Fingrid’s first hackathlon. Several new services to benefit Fingrid and its stakeholders were developed over a two-day period. They will be piloted during the spring.

Electricity market

What does renewing the electricity market require from the consumer?

Everyone is talking about the electricity market transformation, but how will renewal affect the consumer? Päivi Suur-Uski is an energy efficiency expert from Motiva, and she answered our questions. Motiva Oy is a Finnish state-owned company that provides expert services to promote resource efficiency.

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