Main grid

Main grid

Smart grids connect consumers to the electricity market

The smart grid workgroup, established this autumn by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, was tasked with increasing the flexibility of the electricity market and finding out how smart grids could be utilised in the future, especially in the consumer interface.

Main grid

Sensible solutions for reactive power compensation

Greater use of underground cables has increased the amount of reactive power and thus main grid maintenance costs. This means that, starting at the beginning of next year, Fingrid will have to monitor consumption of reactive power on ­a connection-specific basis and charge for it if consumption exceeds specified limits. In the future, it may be sensible for electricity companies to invest in technology that compensates for reactive power in a suitable manner.

Main grid

Nordic operational planning office opens in Copenhagen

The operational planning office of four Nordic transmission system operators is currently launching its operations in Copenhagen. Closer cooperation will also improve the functioning of the Nordic market and TSOs.

Main grid

Reserve power is always ready

When do we use reserve power, and when do we use peak load capacity? How often are they needed? Is sufficient reserve power always available? What is the purpose of a power balance forecast?

Main grid

Different experts – a common goal

A working community is functional when different experts work together. Every single professional in the company helps move Fingrid towards a new way of operating.

Main grid

The main grid can handle many weather phenomena

Although storm winds, lightning, crown snow load, frost and freezing rain pose a threat to power lines, Fingrid is well prepared for problem situations caused by the weather.

Main grid

The Demand Connection Code (DCC) has been published

The Demand Connection Code (DCC) has been published. Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1388 establishing a Network Code on Demand Connection took effect on 7 September 2016. Fingrid has started implementation of the network code and will present the related execution plan in November 2016.

Main grid

Power for a new era

Fingrid’s largest investment ever – a 400 kilovolt transmission connection from Pori to Oulu – was completed in 2016. According to Fingrid’s Executive Vice President Kari Kuusela, the new Western Finland transmission connection meets the challenges of a new era.

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