Main grid

Main grid

Disturbance in a transmission line quickly repaired

“When our help was requested, we agreed and arrived at the transmission line’s disconnectors in no time. We managed to limit and earth the fault quickly,” Kenet Oy’s Operations Manager Veli-Pekka Kinnunen and Substation Engineer Risto Ekdahl recall the disturbance that occurred in January. Fingrid thanked the men for the good and well-functioning cooperation.

Main grid

Disturbance reserve helps in exceptional situations

Demand response is an effective way to prepare for exceptional situations in the electricity grid. It supplements production response in disturbance situations. Fingrid has acquired a record amount of frequency-controlled disturbance reserve from demand response for 2017.

Main grid

VJV2018 entering into force next year

The Specifications for the Operational Performance of Power-generating Facilities (VJV) will be updated next year. The EU’s network code for the connection of generators (NC RfG) will become part of Fingrid’s requirements.

Main grid

Energy weather forecasts local solar and wind energy

Launched in June 2016, the Energy Weather Forecast developed by the Finnish Meteorological Institute forecasts the availability of solar and wind energy by location in Finland for the next 24 hours.

Main grid

Major improvements in HVDC performace in one year

Fingrid wanted to improve the availability and reliability of HVDC interconnections to a level that matched the importance of these cross-border connections. Major improvements in 2016 cut the number of outages ‘due to disturbances’ in half and reduced their duration to less than one-tenth of the average in previous years. How did Fingrid achieve such a fine outcome?

Main grid

According to planning guidelines, wind and solar power plants must be kept away from transmission lines

Fingrid has received several inquiries about locating solar power plants in transmission line areas. However, it is not possible from the main grid’s perspective. Locating a wind power plant near a main grid transmission line is also problematic. Guidelines concerning wind and solar power plants are included in the updated planning guidelines meant for land-use planners from municipalities.

Main grid

General connection terms renewed

Fingrid’s general connection terms will be renewed this year. There is a need to update the current connection terms to respond to today’s requirements.

Main grid

Moving towards a new energy system

Our entire energy system is undergoing a fundamental change. Fingrid’s strategy recognises that this change is taking us toward clean energy technologies and a carbon-neutral society.

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