Main grid

Main grid

The North Karelian main grid will be reinforced in three phases

Finland will begin to renew the main grid’s 110 kilovolt transmission lines in North Karelia next year. The wooden towers are more than 50 years old and aging. They will be replaced with sturdy steel towers, which can also withstand heavy hoarfrost loads in the winter.


Landlocked salmon requires protection

The North Karelia main grid is located near Lake Pielinen. The Lieksanjoki River that flows into it and the Ala-Koitajoki River flowing into Pielisjoki River provide sites for landlocked salmon to reproduce naturally in Finland. Fingrid is one of the funders in the Saimaa landlocked salmon restoration project launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Main grid

Reliable electricity and company synergies: Nivos Group is growing fast

The Mäntsälä-based energy group Nivos has increased the size of its customer base and regional grid in recent years. The group is closely involved in developing infrastructure in the area. In addition to its core activities – electricity, heat and water distribution – the company provides a diverse range of energy and heating solutions and online services. The goals of sustainable development guide investments.

Main grid

Sello Shopping Mall targets the reserve market

Espoo-based Sello Shopping Mall is the first major property complex to target the reserve market offered by Fingrid. This would involve Sello in balancing electricity consumption.

Main grid

High-quality and affordable electricity transmission

International studies have shown that Fingrid transmits affordable electricity with good quality control. Fingrid was found to be affordable in both a study by the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) and a study commissioned by European energy regulators. A significant success factor was efficiency in construction and maintenance.

Main grid

Putting projects into practice

In addition to long-term projects, Fingrid is promoting several practical projects that enable the connection of new production to the existing main grid or provide customers with new electronic services.

Main grid

A good financial year for Fingrid in 2017

Fingrid continued to make large investments and develop its operations in 2017. The company is in good financial condition and the result has developed as expected and according to regulation. Turnover was 672 million euros and more than 111 million euros were spent on investments.

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