Main grid

Main grid

Green Financing

In the last few years, mitigating climate change has become one of the key corporate responsibility themes. At the same time, green bonds have become a financing trend. Fingrid issued Finland’s first green corporate bond in 2017.

Main grid

Ritva Hirvonen named Professor

The President of the Republic of Finland bestowed the title of Professor on Ritva Hirvonen, Fingrid’s Planning Manager, on 19 December 2019. The honorary title of Professor is awarded by the state in recognition of talented practitioners of the sciences and arts.

Main grid

Refreshing Fingrid’s service groups

Fingrid has added fresh clarity to its services by grouping them into larger packages. The packages are based around our two main services: grid services and electricity market services.

Main grid

Building the Grid 2030: One system approach

Dimitrios Chaniotis, Committee Chair for ENTSO-E System Development, says that the year 2030 is associated with ambitious targets set by energy and climate policy objectives which impact the way the grid is developed, operated and marketed.

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