Main grid

Main grid

Better data and customer-oriented services

In its ICT operations, Fingrid is learning to make services that are more effective at addressing the changing needs of stakeholders. The critical nature of data management, which forms the basis for new services, came to light during planning for the digitalisation of substations. In addition, the process to modernise the extranet services for customers led to the creation of a new agile methodology known as DoIT, in which services are developed using cloud services according to the customer’s needs.

Main grid

Predicting the future for a living

Marko Nieminen works as Senior Expert in the Strategic Grid Planning unit. He and his team try to predict what the world and electricity markets will look like decades from now.

Main grid

Reputation matters, and we can influence it

In 2018, Fingrid was named the world’s best transmission system operator in CHARGE, a brand competition for the energy sector. This year, Fingrid was invited to host a CHARGE webinar on the theme, “Should a monopoly be interested in its brand?”

Main grid

A virtual transmission line runs through the landscape

Constructing a transmission line is a long process, which first sees the light of day on a map, many years before becoming a feature of the landscape. Nowadays, future transmission line rights-of-way can be presented to landowners and partners with the help of 3D modelling.

Main grid

What does the expropriation procedure involve?

Expropriation is a normal means of executing a linear construction project. The procedure begins when the project commences and an expropriation permit application is submitted, and it ends when compensation is assessed and paid following construction work. Landowners have the opportunity to give their views on the transmission line route during the planning phase and the expropriation permit application phase.

Main grid

Good decentralisation in the control centre

Control Centre Manager Maarit Uusitalo is responsible for managing the power balance on the main grid and the power system from the office in Käpylä. Uusitalo, who has worked for Fingrid for a long period in several positions, took on the role of control centre manager in March this year.

Main grid

Updated transmission line brochures for landowners

Fingrid’s transmission line brochures for landowners have been updated. There were previously four brochures: two about the construction phase and two for the period after construction. As a result of the update, there are now two brochures.

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