Electricity market

Electricity market

Climate change calls for preparations

The Finnish authorities are forecasting and making preparation for the risks related to weather and climate conditions due to climate change. Fingrid is working closely with the authorities to ensure that electricity transmission continues uninterrupted, even in the event of extreme weather.

Electricity market

My Fingrid: for all data

My Fingrid, an electronic service portal, was made easier to use with the help of five pilot customers. How did the pilot go, Key Account Manager Lassi Vuokko from Caruna Oy?

Electricity market

Towards a clean power system

Jukka Ruusunen, Fingrid’s CEO, says that the government’s programme will enable Finland to become a pioneer in terms of its clean, cost-efficient power system.

Electricity market

eSett off to a great start

Nordic energy market collaboration has yet another success story in the making. Since 2017 market imbalance settlement and invoicing in Finland, Sweden and Norway has been managed by one company: eSett. Jointly owned by the transmission system operators Fingrid (Finland), Svenska kraftnät (Sweden) and Statnett (Norway), eSett received a new addition to the team as Denmark’s Energinet became one of the owners of the company.

Electricity market

Reserve power – essential but rarely used

Finland has 1,300 megawatts of reserve power for use in the event of a disruption in electricity generation. Fingrid is responsible for ensuring the operational reliability of reserve power at all ten of its own plants and at seven leased plants. Reserve power is constantly on standby, although there are only a handful of disruptions each year, and the full power output is very rarely needed.

Electricity market

20 years of intraday trading

The 1st of March was an important milestone in the European electricity market. On that day 20 years ago, continuous intraday trading between Finland and Sweden started with the ELBAS product. At the same time, Fingrid removed the cross-border transmission tariffs from its Nordic connections.

Electricity market

A boost from the North

The Nordic marketplace model for balancing energy is expanding to cover all of Europe.

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