Electricity market

Electricity market

Is a negative price the new normal?

For the first time, the price of electricity in the day-ahead market in Finland and Sweden turned negative for a few hours in February 2020 and again in July. On the road towards a climate-neutral power system, it is likely that electricity prices will turn negative again for a few occasional hours.

Electricity market

Sector integration will help to manage the power balance

Sector integration means bringing the various energy sectors together to enable them to balance out each other’s peaks in consumption and generation. Electricity, heat, gas and transport will be interconnected to provide mutual support to each other. But what does this mean for the power system and the transmission grid?

Electricity market

Preparation of network code requirements is well underway

Fingrid’s customer organisations are working to implement the requirements of the EU network code on electricity emergency and restoration. The 24-hour operability requirement and automatic under-frequency load shedding system must be implemented by December 2022.

Electricity market

Responsibility is a way of working correctly

The orderly conduct of duties, security of supply, a sustainable operating culture, offering a transmission platform for clean energy generation:
this is Fingrid’s responsibility.

Electricity market

The Network Code for Emergency and Restoration

The Network Code for Emergency and Restoration (NC ER) specifies the common requirements for handling emergency, blackout and restoration states in the power system. NC ER harmonises the operation of power systems throughout the EU and with Third Countries.

Electricity market

Consumers benefit from a uniform price area

The transmission system is designed with the objective of maintaining a large transfer capacity so it is not necessary to limit power transmission. This ensures that there is a single price area in Finland.

Electricity market

Datahub go-live date to be postponed to 2022

The go-live date for Datahub, a centralised information exchange service for electricity trading, will be postponed from its original target of April 2021 to early 2022.

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