Electricity market

Electricity market

The largest Nordic Energy technology hub flourishes in Vaasa

The Vaasa region is home to an international hub of energy technology industry with strong expertise in areas like decentralised energy production, energy distribution and operations solutions. The hub employs 11,000 people, and many of its more than 140 companies are international market leaders in their sectors. The combined turnover of the companies is over 4.4 billion euros, and export accounts for more than 80% of that figure. This is equivalent to nearly one-third of Finland’s total energy technology exports.

Electricity market

Planning for implementation of 15-minute imbalance settlement has started

Fingrid and the other Nordic TSOs have begun to promote the transition to a 15-minute imbalance settlement period. The energy balancing network code requires EU member states to switch to 15-minute imbalance settlement within three years of the code taking effect, which means December 2020.

Electricity market

European electricity markets

Our questions about European electricity market integration were answered by Laurent Schmitt, Secretary-General of ENTSO-E.

Electricity market

What does renewing the electricity market require from the consumer?

Everyone is talking about the electricity market transformation, but how will renewal affect the consumer? Päivi Suur-Uski is an energy efficiency expert from Motiva, and she answered our questions. Motiva Oy is a Finnish state-owned company that provides expert services to promote resource efficiency.

Electricity market

Digital techniques are here to stay

Maintenance is constantly becoming more proactive – and more digital. For Fingrid, it has always been vitally important to handle any servicing in a way that minimises the resulting disruptions. Digitalisation helps to keep costs low and outage times short – and eliminate them entirely in the best case.

Electricity market

Nordic Imbalance Settlement is going strong

Fingrid and the transmission system operators (TSO) in Sweden and Norway switched to joint imbalance settlement in the spring. The centralised model improves electricity market efficiency marks a step towards a joint-Nordic end user electricity market.

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