“Fingrid is known for its strong expertise in electrical engineering, but we are also competent in other areas critical to our operations. ICT is one of the most essential,” emphasises Development Manager Nina Kujala.
The event, especially targeted at ICT students, filled Fingrid’s auditorium with students from several universities. The event presented the ICT work of various company units from smart grids to data security, the Datahub project and career stories.
“With these kinds of events and campaigns, we want to make sure that Fingrid is also known in the ICT industry as an attractive employer,” Kujala says.
“We offer tasks that are interesting and important for society, for example in data security and overall ICT architecture. Work at Fingrid is quickly becoming more international. Europe is integrating its electricity industry, and Nordic cooperation has been going on for a long time already.”
Top spot in responsible summer jobs
Fingrid won the large organisation category of the Responsible Summer Job campaign in 2015. This year (2016), the company was again fighting for the top spot. A particular cause for joy was that the company received the best grade among all businesses in the section measuring responsibility for looking after summer workers.
This year, Fingrid had about 40 summer workers, of which seven were in ICT. In the future, the number of available summer jobs will further increase. Significantly, many summer workers return to the company after graduation.
“The need for ICT expertise is increasing due to the digitalisation of the energy industry. ICT is no longer an isolated department, but it’s linked to all our operations and services,” ICT Development Manager Teemu Salo emphasises.
“We want to increase Fingrid’s recognition as an employer in the industry and spread the word among students, as well. In a few years, a young student may be a tough expert.”