Fingrid’s new service package

Fingrid has organised its service offering to give a clearer picture of its role.

A major change is taking place on the electricity market. There will be more actors than before and their size varies from large companies to individual households and consultants. This also reflects on the role of main grid operator.

Fingrid believes that it’s important for the services to be understandable and to meet the needs of different customer groups. For those reasons, the services have been regrouped.
“We used to have a more detailed list of different types of services. Now we have clarified these services and combined similar topics under the same heading,” says Senior Vice President Jussi Jyrinsalo.

Expert networks and digitalisation provides new opportunities.
“In the coming years, every Fingrid employee will encounter an increasing number of different customers. Quick and easy access to expertise is very important to our customers and this is what we want to offer them in the future. We will also develop our digital services to meet the current needs. •

New service packages:

Electricity transmission

The electricity transmission between a customer’s grid connection points and Fingrid’s main grid are agreed in the main grid agreement. The customer gets access to the electricity market, the development of which Fingrid also actively proceeds. The main grid agreement is used to agree on the customer’s rights to transfer electricity from and to the main grid via its connection points, service terms and prices, supply of reactive power, maintenance of reactive power reserves, and real-time information exchange related to maintaining the security of supply. The customer must have a valid connection agreement before electricity can be transmitted.

Balance services

Fingrid is responsible for maintaining a balance between the consumption and production of electricity at any given moment in Finland and for the nationwide balance power settlement. The parties operating in the electricity market must take continuous care of their power balance, which means that they must maintain a power balance between their electricity production/procurement and consumption/sales.

Guarantees of origin

Fingrid is responsible for the electronic guarantee of origin register service in Finland. Guarantee of origin for electricity are certificates that are used to verify that electricity has been produced from renewable energy sources or by efficient combined heat and power production.
An electricity supplier that sells or uses renewable energy in its marketing must certify the origin of the electricity. Likewise, a power producer and user that, in its other business, gives its customers information about the origin of the electricity it uses, must verify the proportion of renewable energy sources.

Electricity market information

As the transmission system operator, Fingrid possesses a lot of information about the electricity market. We share information with the electricity market actors as comprehensively and equally as possible, while taking competitive aspects into account. The publication of some electricity market information is based on legislative requirements and some is published based on the information needs of the actors. Fingrid is developing the publication of electricity market information on its website and on the Nord Pool and ENTSO-E websites.

Retail market information exchange

According to the Electricity Market Act, it is Fingrid’s duty to develop the information exchange required for electricity trade and imbalance settlement. In order to develop efficient, correct information exchange, Fingrid cooperates closely with partners such as electricity market actors, interest group organisations, service providers, legislators, national and international messaging developer organisations, as well as with other transmission system operators. Fingrid’s retail information exchange services include a usage location register, message testing services, contact information tables and an electricity market information exchange development group which works in conjunction with Fingrid. In the future, operating and developing datahub will form a major part of these services.

Fingrid’s customer groups

1) Distribution grid companies – the largest customer group, nearly 70 companies

2) Power producers – power plants that are directly connected to Fingrid’s main grid, about 20 in total

3) Major consumers – large industrial plants that have direct connection to the main grid, about 20 in total

4) Electricity market actors – for example, consultants, electricity sales companies

Consistent grid connection agreements

Fingrid has had service agreements with its customers for 20 years already. The content of the agreements varies. It has been difficult to update the agreements when technical changes occur at connection points. Previously, agreement information was maintained manually. This means that outdated and incorrect information has remained in the agreements.

Grid connection agreements with all customers will be updated so that the signed agreement is consistent for all customers. The agreements will include a technical attachment containing customer-specific information from the database. The technical data will be updated in the Maximo database and ArcGis map application, which are part of the Elvis software package.

The technical data will be checked with the customer. In the future, it will be easier to update information in the database. After these changes, customers will be able to see their own information via the customer extranet and the “Pocket grid map” mobile application, which is currently under development.


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