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Fingrid selects a new route for the Huittinen–Forssa transmission line

Fingrid is planning a new transmission line between Huittinen and Forssa.

In the vicinity of the Huittinen substation, an eastern transmission line route has been selected for further planning, as well as a southwestern route at Minkiö in Jokioinen. The information obtained from environmental impact assessments was used for decision-making.

The transmission line will be approximately 69 kilometres long and will run through the areas of Huittinen, Loimaa, Humppila, Jokioinen and Forssa. The project utilises the rights-of-way of the area’s existing main grid transmission lines. Most of the new 400+110-kilovolt transmission line is being planned for construction to the north of the existing transmission lines, and the old 110-kilovolt Kolsi–Forssa transmission line will be demolished. In order to mitigate the impact, several sections of the old transmission line will be moved from their own rights-of-way to the new double-circuit tower structure.

A new transmission line connection is needed between Huittinen and Forssa in order to increase the electricity transmission capacity and maintain system security between the west and south coasts of Finland. The transmission line connection will significantly improve energy efficiency.

The Southwest Finland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment has stated that the construction of the transmission line is environmentally acceptable. The impacts of the new transmission line on people and the environment, as well as the possibility of mitigating the negative impacts, were investigated as part of the environmental impact assessment (EIA).


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