Fingrid named the main transmission lines in the spirit of Finland’s 100th anniversary

Fingrid has named the 400-kilovolt transmission line connections between north and south in the spirit of Finland’s 100th anniversary:

  • Rannikkolinja (Coastal Line; from Turku to Keminmaa)
  • Jokilinja (River Line; from Helsinki via Kangasala and Alajärvi to Oulu)
  • Järvilinja (Lake Line; from Lappeenranta to Oulu)
  • Metsälinja (Forest Line; future connection from Petäjävesi to Oulu).

In addition to these, the 400/220-kilovolt connection from Oulu to the Norwegian border has been named Tunturilinja (Fell Line).

The Finnish main grid was born when a high-voltage line between Imatra and Turku was constructed at the end of the 1920s. This connection is now being renewed and, with respect to tradition, the new line will be called Rautarouva II (Iron Lady II).

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