Fingrid issued a Green Bond

Finland’s first corporate-level Green Bond has attracted a lot of international interest.

Last March, Fingrid issued a Green Bond with a value of 100 million euros. This is Finland’s first corporate-level Green Bond. The arrangement attracted a lot of international interest and expanded Fingrid’s investor base.

The financing collected with Fingrid’s Green Bond will contribute to promoting the global development of a responsible bond market.

“Responsibility is one of our company values, so it’s natural for us to participate in the Green Bond market to finance our long-term investments that have positive environmental impacts,” says Chief Financial Officer Jan Montell.

Within the scope of the Green Bond Framework, the company will finance projects that connect Fingrid’s renewable energy production, reduce electricity transmission losses or create smart energy-saving solutions.

Green Bonds are bonds in which the debt capital raised by the issuer is earmarked for investments that are very likely to achieve long-term, net positive environmental impacts. The issuer commits to report annually on the type of green projects for which the debt has been used.


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