Closer Nordic collaboration

Nordic RSC, the joint Regional Security Coordinator office of the Nordic transmission system operators, offers transmission system operators regional analysis in support of operational planning and implements a new method for calculating capacity based on transmission.

The Nordic RSC, which was esta­blished in 2016, provides transmission system operators with a joint regional overview of the network’s operating status. In practice, the Nordic transmission system operators deliver forecast and network modelling data to Nordic RSC, which analyses the data at its office in Copenhagen, Denmark, and provides the results as a service to support the decision-making of transmission system operators.

Nordic RSC’s services include coordinated calculation of transmission capacity, system security analysis, coordination of transmission outages, consolidation of the common grid model, and short-term electricity adequacy forecasts.

“Services offering a regional overview of the network’s operation will become more important in the future as energy markets are increasingly decentralised and more closely interconnected,” says Tuomas Mattila, Specialist at Fingrid, describing the importance of Nordic RSC’s services.

Shared information and agreed analysis methods can guarantee a reliable Nordic power system throughout the energy revolution, as electricity generation will vary according to the weather conditions rather than plans.

New method for calculating transmission capacity in the testing phase

The most significant Nordic RSC project is the procurement and deployment of a calculation tool related to a new method for calculating transmission capacity. This Nordic project will incorporate the flow-based method into capacity calculation, initially for the day-ahead market and later also for the intraday market.

The project is currently in the testing phase, after which parallel operation will begin. The objective of parallel operation is to verify the functionality of the method and provide market parties with information about the results of the new method.

“The new calculation method is more accurate and up-to-date than the previous one. It can be used to distribute capacities to the market more efficiently while retaining a good ­standard of grid reliability,” says Fingrid’s RSC Engineer, ­Tuukka Huikari.

Aiming for a regional Coordination centre in 2022

Three specialists from each of the four Nordic transmission system operators work at the Nordic RSC office in addition to the office’s own employees and a group of external consultants.

“The forms of work include various workshops, most of which have been held via remote connections during the coronavirus pandemic. This form of collaboration works well when the agenda is focused and precisely defined,” says Tuukka Huikari.

According to Nordic RSC’s manager, Jens Møller Birkebæk, the joint office of the Nordic transmission system operators needs to take on a new role in the future.

“According to EU guidelines, in July 2022 the office will become a Regional Coordination ­Centre owned by the transmission system operators. Its sphere of operations will be greater than it is now,” Birkebæk says.

The change will also make the RSC a more independent organisation.

Flow based for beginners on Youtube:

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