Clean electricity is the cornerstone of Finland’s competitiveness

A robust and reliable main grid creates opportunities to connect new electricity production facilities and green industries.

According to statistics from the Confederation of Finnish Industries, the value of green investments planned in Finland has already risen to EUR 200 billion. Clean electricity is becoming a key competitiveness factor and source of wellbeing for Finland.

The energy revolution is triggering a redistribution of industry and industrial jobs. However, there is worrying news from around the world about increasingly generous financial support mechanisms offered by various states in an effort to attract industrial investments and preserve existing structures. It is hard to see how Finland can compete with business subsidies. Competitive advantage must be sourced from elsewhere than the public purse.

Main grid planning and construction is long-term work. Transmission line implementation projects, including permit applications, take a long time, and the completed lines remain in service for about one human lifetime. Rapid changes in the operating environment and the explosive growth in the demand outlook for clean electricity are challenges for main grid planning.

The total volume of main grid connection enquiries has already exceeded 300 gigawatts, and the growth shows no signs of slowing. Over the last three years, Fingrid has substantially accelerated its investment programme for the next ten-year period. More work is going on to strengthen the main grid than ever before.

Visions and scenarios for electricity production and consumption trends are essential tools for main grid planning. It is wise to prepare for various possible future outlooks.

Open, inclusive main grid planning will continue.

In recent years, Fingrid has opened up its main grid planning to customers and stakeholders. We have published our visions and forecasts of trends and gathered feedback on them. The feedback we have received for this work has been great, and we are thankful for it. Open, inclusive grid planning will continue.

As Finland competes for investments in clean industries, the availability of affordable clean electricity is the cornerstone of the country’s competitiveness.

A robust and reliable main grid creates opportunities to connect new electricity production facilities and green industries. Reliable electricity networks and good connection opportunities are among the most important national competitiveness factors for industrial projects needing clean energy.

Even the most generous subsidy policy will be unable to help if new production facilities and industries cannot connect to the grid. Finland should foster competitive onshore wind power and ensure its capacity to build out the main grid.

Mikko Heikkilä
Manager, Strategic Grid Planning

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