transmission line area

Main grid

According to planning guidelines, wind and solar power plants must be kept away from transmission lines

Fingrid has received several inquiries about locating solar power plants in transmission line areas. However, it is not possible from the main grid’s perspective. Locating a wind power plant near a main grid transmission line is also problematic. Guidelines concerning wind and solar power plants are included in the updated planning guidelines meant for land-use planners from municipalities.


Wetlands and orchards under transmission lines in Europe

Supporting the diversity of nature and varied recreational use enables versatile use of the land under transmission lines. Rather than emphasising what may not or ­cannot be done there, the focus is on the different uses that are permitted. European transmission system operators are making diverse use of transmission line clearings for different purposes. Fingrid is part of this work.

Disc-golf under the main grid.

Transmission line areas are full of potential

Although Fingrid’s transmission line areas carve out over 60,000 hectares of Finnish land, their limitations are far outweighed by their potential. Transmission line areas offer a foundation for a wealth of potential applications.

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