system security

Electricity market

What is a transmission management agreement?

Transmission management in the power system is becoming more demanding, and the old methods are no longer enough. The transmission management
agreement is a new tool for this purpose, says Tuomas Mattila, Expert at Fingrid.


What are we prepared for?

Fingrid constantly strives to reduce the risk of large-scale power cuts and improve its ability to restore power as quickly as possible, writes Senior Vice President Reima Päivinen.

Main grid

Under-frequency load shedding is the power system’s final option

Fingrid is currently responsible for arranging under-frequency control, but this responsibility will be spread more widely. In the future, distribution network operators and industrial operators connected to the transmission system will be responsible for under-frequency load shedding. These parties need to get themselves up to speed now, as all changes must be made by the end of 2022.

Main grid

Reserve power – essential but rarely used

Finland has 1,300 megawatts of reserve power for use in the event of a disruption in electricity generation. Fingrid is responsible for ensuring the operational reliability of reserve power at all ten of its own plants and at seven leased plants. Reserve power is constantly on standby, although there are only a handful of disruptions each year, and the full power output is very rarely needed.

Electricity market

Reserve power – essential but rarely used

Finland has 1,300 megawatts of reserve power for use in the event of a disruption in electricity generation. Fingrid is responsible for ensuring the operational reliability of reserve power at all ten of its own plants and at seven leased plants. Reserve power is constantly on standby, although there are only a handful of disruptions each year, and the full power output is very rarely needed.


The Winter Package – music to the ears but too much ROC

“Last November, the European Commission announced a bunch of legislative proposals concerning the Energy Union. Since then, the proposals, called the Winter Package, have received a new name,” writes Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, Fingrid’s Senior Vice President, Markets, in her blog posting. PUBLISHED 5.4.2017

Main grid

The Demand Connection Code (DCC) has been published

The Demand Connection Code (DCC) has been published. Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1388 establishing a Network Code on Demand Connection took effect on 7 September 2016. Fingrid has started implementation of the network code and will present the related execution plan in November 2016.

Main grid

Striving for good system security

The System Operation Guideline was approved by the EU member states in a vote on May 2016, and most of the joint requirements will take effect in 2017.