security of supply


Will there be enough electricity available in Finland?

This time of the year is typical for discussing the adequacy of electricity in Finland for citizens and industry. It’s a well-grounded discussion, because Finland is extremely dependent on the import of electricity. PUBLISHED 31.10.2016

Main grid

Pekka Lundmark: A developer role for Finland

According to Fortum Oyj’s President and CEO Pekka Lundmark, energy policy needs to have a balance between climate targets and electricity market efficiency and security of supply. Finland could be an active supporter and developer of a joint energy policy in the Nordic countries.

Main grid

Power quality measurements improve security of supply

In early June, Fingrid provided its customers with a new extranet service for quality information, thus giving the company’s customers an even more detailed and descriptive picture of electricity quality at their connection points. This makes it easier to monitor the state of the electricity grid and further improve the security of electricity supply.

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