

Fingrid promotes the UN’s global responsibility goals

Fingrid has committed to the United Nations’ Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and to promoting its sustainable development goals. Responsibility has been a part of the transmission system operator’s values and operating methods for a long time. Now the UN’s global sustainable development goals have also been linked with Fingrid’s business targets.


Second graders are sharp during Energy Saving Week

Don’t keep the windows open too long. We have to save nature because otherwise we won’t have it anymore. These are just some of the practical and even global issues that second graders at Pohjois-Haaga elementary school pondered when we asked them about what they had learned during Energy Saving Week.


Environmental responsibility comes first

Fingrid always strives to take environmental factors into consideration responsibly and to communicate openly about matters related to them. The company occasionally has to apply to the ELY Centre for permission to deviate from the prohibition on deterioration and destruction of threatened and protected species in accordance with Nature Conservation Act. However, applying for a special permit is always the last alternative.

Main grid

Rautarouva gets a new lease on life

Modernisation of the Rautarouva (Iron Lady) line, which is the oldest section of Finland’s main grid, is nearing completion. Work to renew the 82-kilometre Koria-Ylilikkälä power line is currently in progress. The 110-kilovolt power line is being dismantled and replaced with a new 400-kilovolt line.


It’s all about attitude

The majority of occupational accidents are caused by human or unconscious errors. This is why the attitude and commitment of employees is decisive in terms of how occupational safety is realised at worksites. This year, the emphasis in Fingrid’s occupational safety development is daily practices.


Responsibility is important in property management

Development of procurement chain management is a part of responsible corporate operations and its impacts can be seen locally and globally. Fingrid’s asset management day held early in the summer demonstrated that responsibility does not just happen – the contractor has to be active.

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