
Electricity market

Green to the Core

EU Commission prioritises electricity grids, offshore* energy and renewable gases over oil and natural gas infrastructure.


Energy companies take pre-emptive climate action

Energy companies have taken a serious approach to preparations for a carbon-neutral future. Vantaa Energy is seeking to stop using coal by autumn 2022, when the extension to its waste-to-energy plant is commissioned. This action is approximately seven years ahead of its time, as a Government decision calls for the prevention of coal as a fuel for electricity and heating in May 2029.


Factory audits improve corporate responsibility in the procurement chain

Fingrid conducts audits to ensure that its occupational safety and other corporate responsibility requirements are met in the factories comprising its procurement chain around the world. Any deviations detected during audits are addressed in collaboration with the factories and contractors.


The right attitude to occupational safety

At Fingrid’s occupational safety seminar in Vantaa last November, awards were handed out to three people who had an active influence on occupational safety.

Electricity market

Responsibility is a way of working correctly

The orderly conduct of duties, security of supply, a sustainable operating culture, offering a transmission platform for clean energy generation:
this is Fingrid’s responsibility.


Corporate responsibility is reflected in Fingrid’s duties

In my opinion, Fingrid’s biggest corporate responsibility pledge for this decade is crystallised in our basic mission: Fingrid is tasked with ensuring that our society has reliable electricity under all circumstances and promoting a power system based on electricity generated without emitting carbon dioxide, says Marina Louhija, Fingrid’s General Counsel.

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