Towards a clean power system
Jukka Ruusunen, Fingrid’s CEO, says that the government’s programme will enable Finland to become a pioneer in terms of its clean, cost-efficient power system.
Jukka Ruusunen, Fingrid’s CEO, says that the government’s programme will enable Finland to become a pioneer in terms of its clean, cost-efficient power system.
Are you hacking at rocks or building a cathedral? When you understand the purpose of your work, you will also find motivation, writes Tiina Miettinen, Senior Vice President, HR and Communications at Fingrid.
The electricity transmission main grid got its start in 1929, and this year it will celebrate an impressive 90 years of operation. We’re celebrating this anniversary in a working way; grid development continues because the need to transmit electricity will grow in the future as well.
Fingrid is creating the platform for a clean power system. We asked an illustrator to show us what this means.
The present government of Finland has set as its target 250,000 electric cars and chargeable hybrids by 2030. What does an increase in the number of electric cars mean for the electricity system and market, analyzes Mikko Heikkilä, expert in the Fingrid market function. PUBLISHED 21.11.2018
The electricity market has undergone a complete transformation in Europe, the Nordic countries and Finland over the past 20 years. A lot more will change in the near future as well.
In accordance with its mission, Fingrid has been developing the main grid throughout its 20-year history. The grid development work consists of planning the main power transmission grid and the regional grid, which Fingrid does in cooperation with its customers. This collaboration has recently become even closer.
“Last November, the European Commission announced a bunch of legislative proposals concerning the Energy Union. Since then, the proposals, called the Winter Package, have received a new name,” writes Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, Fingrid’s Senior Vice President, Markets, in her blog posting. PUBLISHED 5.4.2017
The Directorate-General for Energy develops and implements the European energy policy under the guidance of the European Commission. Director of The Internal Energy Market, Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, explains the latest developments in energy market integration.
“We have plenty to offer, but our weakness is a lack of cooperation. Let’s change this through active interaction with nearby countries, since a common voice is a louder and more influential voice – and this also applies in the EU,” writes Tiina Miettinen, Fingrid’s Senior Vice President, HR and communications, in her blog posting.
PUBLISHED 24.11.2016
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Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure reliable electricity cost effectively for our customers and society, and shape the clean, market-oriented power system of the future.