occupational safety


Foresight leads to safety

The working environment, conditions and planning of the work itself largely determine whether the work can be done safely. If occupational safety is not taken into consideration during the planning phase, it is often very challenging to do the work safely. For example, think about the process of constructing a building from prefabricated elements. If occupational safety is overlooked during the planning and design phases, what is the chance of the building going up safely? Probably fairly low.


Avoid risks in electrical work

Electrical work safety is part of the daily routine for everyone who works on transmission lines and substations. Typical hazards include induced voltage on the grid and the proximity of other grids.


Patience is a virtue in vegetation management

Vegetation management plays an important role in transmission line maintenance. Clearing saw treatments occasionally give rise to accidents and hazards, and the importance of following the safety instructions cannot be overemphasised.


Occupational safety (depends on all of us)

In terms of occupational safety, 2020 was a bad year on Fingrid’s worksites. We worked hard with our suppliers to enhance occupational safety. Nevertheless, there were more lost time injuries than normal.


Think before you act

An occupational safety campaign will begin in 2021 with the aim of ingraining a “think before you act” mindset into everything we do, writes Timo Kiiveri, Senior Vice President of Asset Management from Fingrid.


Good practices are meant to be shared

The safety year of 2020 has truly been a year of change and exceptional times. At the latest, the abnormity of this year has shown that the knowledge of safety needs to be shared as efficiently as possible, beyond the organizational boundaries, writes Fingrid’s ‎Head of Grid Management Unit Janne Eskelinen.


Crystal-Clear Line: Fingrid’s way to act and good practices

About a year ago, we initiated the Crystal-Clear Line project based on 
feedback from suppliers and Fingrid’s specialists. The purpose of the 
project is to clarify the responsibilities for occupational safety between the client and suppliers on Fingrid’s worksites.

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