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occupational safety


Safety is a team game

Fingrid’s safety theme for 2022 is “Occupational safety is created by individuals and teams”.


Safety walks and audits develop occupational safety

During the coronavirus pandemic, efforts are being made to avoid contact. However, this has not prevented Fingrid from safely arranging worksite audits and safety walks. The prevailing situation has also encouraged us to experiment with virtual worksite visits.


Extra safety for work at height at substations

In spring, Fingrid initiated a project aiming to improve the safety of employees working at height at substations. The objective is to find areas for improvement in structures that can be climbed for trials and identify good practices for working at height.


Modernised installations tested at a reserve power plant in Naantali

Fingrid has ten reserve power plants storing large quantities of fuel oil. Contingencies must be in place in the event of an accident when hazardous chemicals are stored in large amounts. ­Training exercises took place at the Naantali reserve ­power plant in 2020 to test the functionality of the fire extinguishing systems.


“Be aware of the work environment under all circumstances”

Fingrid’s occupational safety campaign for 2021 emphasises the importance of work planning and foresight. No matter how confident we are with our work, we should always check the conditions and assess the risks before we start. We collected some examples of methodical approaches to work and situations
requiring special attention on our worksites.


Foresight leads to safety

The working environment, conditions and planning of the work itself largely determine whether the work can be done safely. If occupational safety is not taken into consideration during the planning phase, it is often very challenging to do the work safely. For example, think about the process of constructing a building from prefabricated elements. If occupational safety is overlooked during the planning and design phases, what is the chance of the building going up safely? Probably fairly low.

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