Stopping slips
Slippery conditions come every year, causing slips that lead to absences from work. The Best Practices material instructs worksites to plan for slip prevention.
Slippery conditions come every year, causing slips that lead to absences from work. The Best Practices material instructs worksites to plan for slip prevention.
The Lake Line from Vaala to Joroinen is being reinforced. As the new transmission line runs mainly alongside the existing 400 kV line, the people working on the site must pay special attention to induced voltage and additional earthing.
The human factor is a mindset – a perspective from which we analyse and develop occupational safety. The key is understanding human activity to identify how different factors affect work performance and success at work.
Fingrid’s employees and partners often need to travel the country by road. Safe drivers make sensible choices and obey traffic laws.
Stay sharp and think safely every day. Warning is caring!
This year, we are encouraging personnel to consider safety as a part of their day-to-day activities at work and in their leisure time.
Fingrid has run annual occupational safety campaigns on its worksites. Last year’s campaign reminded employees that occupational safety is created by individuals and teams.
A safety mindset is already integral to everyday work on Fingrid’s sites. Safety is discussed naturally during
orientations and meetings, and the personnel on worksites make weekly observations to enhance safety.
Safety supervisor ensures that the work on a transmission line worksite goes smoothly.
“Foresight and planning are absolutely essential for safety. Employees need the correct equipment, information, and expertise to work safely,” says Safety Supervisor Lauri Tolpanniemi.
Occupational safety is always in the spotlight at Fingrid. It is developed in collaboration with service providers.
“Everyone should get home from work healthy. That is why we aim for zero accidents,” says Fingrid´s Timo Kiiveri, Senior Vice President.
Fingrid Oyj
Läkkisepäntie 21
00620 Helsinki
Tel. 030 395 5267
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Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure reliable electricity cost effectively for our customers and society, and shape the clean, market-oriented power system of the future.