main grid

Main grid

Work site supervision overhauled with partners

Fingrid is handling the work site supervision for the Oulujoki project entity in cooperation with Sitema Oy. At the same time, remote monitoring methods are also being developed.

Main grid

Under-frequency load shedding is the power system’s final option

Fingrid is currently responsible for arranging under-frequency control, but this responsibility will be spread more widely. In the future, distribution network operators and industrial operators connected to the transmission system will be responsible for under-frequency load shedding. These parties need to get themselves up to speed now, as all changes must be made by the end of 2022.

Main grid

Network planning trusts in the power of scenarios

Network planning requires national and international cooperation. A vital tool for this is Europe’s ten-year network development plan (TYNDP), which is drafted every two years by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E).


New measurement systems – better reliability

A renewed system to measure power quality and new travelling wave fault location will improve power quality monitoring and disturbance clearing in Fingrid’s main grid. The investments in new measurement equipment allow more effective anticipation, location and investigation of faults that pose a threat to the main grid. This will also enhance electrical safety in the main grid.

Main grid

The switch to renewables will require continuous grid development

The electricity transmission main grid got its start in 1929, and this year it will celebrate an impressive 90 years of operation. We’re celebrating this anniversary in a working way; grid development continues because the need to transmit electricity will grow in the future as well.

Main grid

A strong main grid enables clean energy production

Finland has always had a good understanding of how important maintenance is, and Fingrid has been a global trailblazer since the company’s early days, writes Executive Vice President Kari Kuusela.

Main grid

A strong continuum for grid investments

International assessments show that Fingrid has world-class main grid asset management. Properly timed and properly dimensioned investments keep the main grid in excellent operating condition. Investments of approximately 100–150 million euros are made each year.

Main grid

Grid Map helps with terrain work

Fingrid’s Grid Map has been completed. The Grid Map provides basic information about Fingrid’s electricity grids and those of our customers and also serves as a handy tool for taking notes while working in the field. 

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