low-carbon energy

Electricity market

Looking to the future

The power system vision will be completed in the autumn. The network vision’s scenarios for the future foresee dramatic changes in the current power system and clarifies the energy sector’s overall status in the energy revolution.


Climate neutral Finland remains within reach

In June, Technology Finland published its industry roadmap, which supports the goal of making Finland climate neutral by 2035. The key factors will be functional markets, RDI activities and low-emission electricity.


Power-to-X – solutions for energy storage

Solutions that turn electricity into a product – known as Power-to-X solutions – support emission-free, renewable electricity generation and introduce flexibility to electricity consumption. Electricity can also be used to produce carbon neutral or even carbon negative products that can be transported and stored. Fingrid is making preparations for a significant increase in electricity consumption in the coming decades.


A wise energy strategist understands things at grassroots level

Finland has set itself a truly ambitious climate target: Finland will be climate neutral in 2035, and carbon-negative soon after! A key means of reducing emissions is to eliminate the emissions of industry, heating and transport by electrifying them, writes Jukka Ruusunen, Fingrid’s President & CEO.

Electricity market

Flexible markets promote the transition to cleaner energy

In the future, flexible resources, such as battery storage facilities and micronetworks, will play an important role in keeping the power system in balance as the advent of fluctuating renewable generation causes power generation to be spread across various parts and voltage levels on the network. Fingrid is closely involved in research and development projects to identify the best ways of realising the potential of flexible resources on the road towards cleaner energy.

Electricity market

Lower emissions, more electricity!

How will Finland become carbon-neutral by 2035 in line with the government’s target? Can electricity and heat generation operations set their sights on being emissions-free by the end of the 2030s? Janne Peljo, Project Director at Sitra considers how realistic these targets are and which technology solutions will be required to reach them without jeopardising the reliability of the power system.


Wind blows power into the grid

Onshore and offshore wind farms are being connected to the Finnish electricity system in increasing numbers. Wind power is quick to build, and it generates energy without any fuel. Fingrid works with customers to ensure a trouble-free connection to the transmission network.

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