Transmission system operator at your service
Fingrid is the transmission system operator for Finnish people. Its mission is to safeguard a reliable energy supply for society and promote a clean, market-based power system.
Fingrid is the transmission system operator for Finnish people. Its mission is to safeguard a reliable energy supply for society and promote a clean, market-based power system.
Since 2010, Finland’s main grid has expanded more than ever before. The pace will accelerate further in the coming years. The Aurora Line transmission link is this decade’s most significant investment in the main grid.
We updated our electricity production and consumption forecasts at the start of the year. Finland has highly promising opportunities for success in the energy transition. The number of enquiries for main grid connections from electricity producers and electricity-intensive industries has continued to climb. The main grid needs significant construction and development to enable investment.
More occupational accidents leading to absences happened on Fingrid’s worksites in 2023 than in the previous year, and the frequency of occupational accidents increased slightly. The number of serious occupational accidents decreased compared to the previous year.
The energy transition is leading to a huge increase in the need for power system reserves.
The transition to renewable energy sources is reflected in cleaner electricity production. Thanks to increasing production, Finland has the means to achieve annual self-sufficiency in electricity production this year and become a net exporter of electricity in the future.
There have been no major changes in electricity consumption in Finland in recent years. More energy-efficient devices reduce consumption, but the electrification of transport and, in particular, industry will increase consumption substantially in the future.
In 2022, there were fewer workplace accidents leading to absences in Fingrid’s work locations than in the previous year. The lost-time injury frequency also decreased substantially. Unfortunately, the number of workplace accidents leading to more than 30 days of sick leave increased in 2022. Active work was done to promote occupational safety in Fingrid’s work locations.
European transmission system operators are engaged in constant collaboration to estimate the adequacy of electricity in the coming winter and summer, as well as in the next few years. The estimates are based on a probablistic analysis that simulates how the weather and any possible outages affect elecgtricity production, transmission and consumption. The outcome is the expected number of hours when electricity shortages could arise in each country.
Over the next ten years, Fingrid will invest a record EUR 3 billion in the main grid. This money will be used for the following purposes.
Fingrid Oyj
Läkkisepäntie 21
00620 Helsinki
Tel. 030 395 5267
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Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure reliable electricity cost effectively for our customers and society, and shape the clean, market-oriented power system of the future.