green transition

Main grid

The grid is expanding at pace – where and why?

Building new transmission lines is an important step to improve the vitality of a municipality. Right now, many more connection enquiries are made than connections can be realised. Therefore, the main grid and its connections are only built where the customers have project permits and construction can begin

Main grid

Working with the energy sector to maintain stability in a converter-dominated power system

The power system of Finland is undergoing a major change. It is increasingly dominated by power converters, as wind power is becoming the main form of electricity production and solar power is also increasing in importance. In recent years, Fingrid has been leading the development of methods to ensure the technical functionality of converter-dominated power systems in Finland and elsewhere in the Nordic region.

Main grid

Saving the world

The energy sector and its key player, Fingrid, will facilitate the green transition as long as we play our cards right, according to Jukka Ruusunen, who will retire at the end of the year.

Main grid

Offshore wind power and solar power plants gain momentum

Enormous wind power projects are being set up in the sea, while industrial-scale solar parks are being built on land. What makes them so compelling now, and how will these projects affect the power system of Finland?

Electricity market

Hydrogen is transforming the energy sector

Finland’s first industrial-scale production plant for green hydrogen and synthetic methane is under construction in Harjavalta. It is being built by P2X Solutions.