energy industry


The energy revolution has arrived – is Fingrid ready?

The government’s programme includes clear targets for increasing the amount of wind power built on market terms, which will create the opportunity to improve Finland’s self-sufficiency in terms of electricity generation, writes Director Timo Kiiveri from Fingrid.

Main grid

Reliable electricity and company synergies: Nivos Group is growing fast

The Mäntsälä-based energy group Nivos has increased the size of its customer base and regional grid in recent years. The group is closely involved in developing infrastructure in the area. In addition to its core activities – electricity, heat and water distribution – the company provides a diverse range of energy and heating solutions and online services. The goals of sustainable development guide investments.

Electricity market

Nordic Imbalance Settlement is going strong

Fingrid and the transmission system operators (TSO) in Sweden and Norway switched to joint imbalance settlement in the spring. The centralised model improves electricity market efficiency marks a step towards a joint-Nordic end user electricity market.

Main grid

Cyber security is ensured with genuine exercises

This year, the theme for Fingrid’s information security unit is training. The aim of the themed year is to create similar traditions for cyber training as for any other training by the transmission system operator. In the energy industry, interest in cyber training has developed in the wake of a threatening situation.

Main grid

Finland needs an even stronger main grid

In accordance with its mission, Fingrid has been developing the main grid throughout its 20-year history. The grid development work consists of planning the main power transmission grid and the regional grid, which Fingrid does in cooperation with its customers. This collaboration has recently become even closer.


A common voice is a louder voice

“We have plenty to offer, but our weakness is a lack of cooperation. Let’s change this through active interaction with nearby countries, since a common voice is a louder and more influential voice – and this also applies in the EU,” writes Tiina Miettinen, Fingrid’s Senior Vice President, HR and communications, in her blog posting.
PUBLISHED 24.11.2016

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