energy future

Electricity market

Looking to the future

The power system vision will be completed in the autumn. The network vision’s scenarios for the future foresee dramatic changes in the current power system and clarifies the energy sector’s overall status in the energy revolution.


A wise energy strategist understands things at grassroots level

Finland has set itself a truly ambitious climate target: Finland will be climate neutral in 2035, and carbon-negative soon after! A key means of reducing emissions is to eliminate the emissions of industry, heating and transport by electrifying them, writes Jukka Ruusunen, Fingrid’s President & CEO.

Electricity market

Energy storage is becoming more advanced and diverse

Several electricity storage methods are under development, including electric batteries and synthetic fuels, which may provide some much-needed flexibility for the clean energy system of the future.

Electricity market

Lower emissions, more electricity!

How will Finland become carbon-neutral by 2035 in line with the government’s target? Can electricity and heat generation operations set their sights on being emissions-free by the end of the 2030s? Janne Peljo, Project Director at Sitra considers how realistic these targets are and which technology solutions will be required to reach them without jeopardising the reliability of the power system.


The energy revolution has arrived – is Fingrid ready?

The government’s programme includes clear targets for increasing the amount of wind power built on market terms, which will create the opportunity to improve Finland’s self-sufficiency in terms of electricity generation, writes Director Timo Kiiveri from Fingrid.

Main grid

The balance of the electricity system requires substantial forecast data

Fingrid’s operation planning unit is constantly producing forecasts of electricity consumption, generation and transmission to support the electricity system. As more and more electricity comes from weather-dependent generation – solar and wind power – the importance of forecasts will also grow.


Who will be the winners in the energy revolution?

In principle, it should be simple to combat climate change, at least from the perspective of an electricity transmission system operator. We should make the power system clean and electrify everything we can, writes Fingrid’s Senior Expert Mikko Heikkilä.

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