The reserve market is a network of many technologies
As much electricity must be produced as is consumed at any given moment. It is a simple equation, but the solution is complex.
As much electricity must be produced as is consumed at any given moment. It is a simple equation, but the solution is complex.
The transition to renewable energy sources is reflected in cleaner electricity production. Thanks to increasing production, Finland has the means to achieve annual self-sufficiency in electricity production this year and become a net exporter of electricity in the future.
The key difference between the new power system and the old one is that power production depends on the weather.
As the electricity system evolves and becomes the core of the entire energy system, the market must develop in line with new needs.
The energy sector has traditionally
been seen as a very slow-moving one in which changes occur only gradually. However, the pace of life around the world has become faster, and changes can happen quickly.
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Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure reliable electricity cost effectively for our customers and society, and shape the clean, market-oriented power system of the future.