electricity markets

Main grid

Disturbance reserve helps in exceptional situations

Demand response is an effective way to prepare for exceptional situations in the electricity grid. It supplements production response in disturbance situations. Fingrid has acquired a record amount of frequency-controlled disturbance reserve from demand response for 2017.

Main grid

Major improvements in HVDC performace in one year

Fingrid wanted to improve the availability and reliability of HVDC interconnections to a level that matched the importance of these cross-border connections. Major improvements in 2016 cut the number of outages ‘due to disturbances’ in half and reduced their duration to less than one-tenth of the average in previous years. How did Fingrid achieve such a fine outcome?


A common voice is a louder voice

“We have plenty to offer, but our weakness is a lack of cooperation. Let’s change this through active interaction with nearby countries, since a common voice is a louder and more influential voice – and this also applies in the EU,” writes Tiina Miettinen, Fingrid’s Senior Vice President, HR and communications, in her blog posting.
PUBLISHED 24.11.2016

Main grid

Smart grids connect consumers to the electricity market

The smart grid workgroup, established this autumn by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, was tasked with increasing the flexibility of the electricity market and finding out how smart grids could be utilised in the future, especially in the consumer interface.

Main grid

Nordic operational planning office opens in Copenhagen

The operational planning office of four Nordic transmission system operators is currently launching its operations in Copenhagen. Closer cooperation will also improve the functioning of the Nordic market and TSOs.

Main grid

Different experts – a common goal

A working community is functional when different experts work together. Every single professional in the company helps move Fingrid towards a new way of operating.


New Finnish energy future – are you ready, Finnish politician?

“Are political decision makers up to speed with the situation?” asked Fingrid’s President and CEO Jukka Ruusunen when introducing a panel discussion by politicians at the Energy Day in Tampere on 25 October. Ruusunen worries that we are responding to questions about the new energy future with answers from a bygone era. PUBLISHED 25.10.2016

Main grid

The electricity market needs fixing

The change currently underway in the electricity system requires a new kind of energy policy and stronger markets, Fingrid said when addressing the topic this spring.

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