electricity markets

Electricity market

ENTSO-E: European cooperation will become more important

The first decade of the ENTSO-E, founded ten years ago, has been full of changes. But the pace of the organisation will not slow down in the future, and one of the reasons for this is the energy transition. What is certain is that European cooperation will only become more important in the future.


Greenhouses balance out disturbances in the power system

Oksasen Puutarha specialises in cultivating lettuces. The company, which is based in the north of Turku, has been providing the frequency containment reserve for disturbances (FCR-D) and demand response for two years now. The provision of FCR-D causes the lights to go out in the greenhouse a few times a month, as agreed, in return for payments to Oksasen Puutarha.

Electricity market

20 years of intraday trading

The 1st of March was an important milestone in the European electricity market. On that day 20 years ago, continuous intraday trading between Finland and Sweden started with the ELBAS product. At the same time, Fingrid removed the cross-border transmission tariffs from its Nordic connections.

Electricity market

Smart grid working group compiled guidelines for renewing the energy industry

In 2016, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment appointed a Smart grid working group made up of experts in energy markets. The group has now published its final report, which provides a vision for the smart grids of the future. The working group also presents concrete measures concerning how smart grids can promote the active participation of customers in the electricity market and thus contribute to maintaining security of supply.


A well-functioning electricity market is the sum of many factors

The energy transformation is increasingly visible in our daily lives. Electricity is being produced in a more decentralised manner in smaller units. Research and development play an important role in terms of implementing this 
major change in the power system in a controlled manner, writes Senior Vice President Asta Sihvonen-Punkka. PUBLISHED 17.9.2018.

Electricity market

Reserve markets safeguard electricity supply

Balancing electricity production and consumption is one of Fingrid’s main tasks. Balancing is a continuous process that involves buying and selling electricity on reserve markets, and Fingrid’s own reserve power is only used in exceptional situations. Both consumers and producers can participate in reserve markets and thus influence balancing of the power system.

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