The Crystal-Clear Line in practice
The coronavirus pandemic in the spring did not hold back Fingrid’s work to instil the principle of Crystal-Clear Lines on worksites. So far, the only experiences have been positive.
The coronavirus pandemic in the spring did not hold back Fingrid’s work to instil the principle of Crystal-Clear Lines on worksites. So far, the only experiences have been positive.
The University of Tampere has awarded Fingrid’s HVDC Unit Manager Tuomas Rauhala the title of docent in the field of decentralised resources in the electrical power system.
The industry transformation is reflected in the recruiting being done by energy companies. Fingrid still needs electrical engineering experts, but many other educational backgrounds are also suitable for transmission system operator employees.
Fingrid wants to employ the best experts. This is why the company is also working hard to keep its summer employees happy. We asked a few of the summer employees about their expectations and experiences.
The need for ICT expertise is increasing due to the digitalisation of the energy industry. Students were invited to Fingrid’s ICT event to learn and ask questions about the numerous ways information technology is utilised in the company’s operations.
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00620 Helsinki
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Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure reliable electricity cost effectively for our customers and society, and shape the clean, market-oriented power system of the future.