

Digital information security

Finland has been taken over by digitalisation fever. It seems to be reaching all sections of society and is approaching hype proportions. Fingrid has already been carrying out digitalisation for years, especially in the automation of power system operations and proactive maintenance solutions. Today, digitalisation is used to achieve efficiency and cost benefits in all sections of business. Published 8.9.2017.

Main grid

Moving towards a new energy system

Our entire energy system is undergoing a fundamental change. Fingrid’s strategy recognises that this change is taking us toward clean energy technologies and a carbon-neutral society.

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Different experts – a common goal

A working community is functional when different experts work together. Every single professional in the company helps move Fingrid towards a new way of operating.

Main grid

Introducing Fingrid to ICT students

The need for ICT expertise is increasing due to the digitalisation of the energy industry. Students were invited to Fingrid’s ICT event to learn and ask questions about the numerous ways information technology is utilised in the company’s operations.

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