Exercises in Oslo and Jyväskylä focus on preventing cyber threats
Practicing to prepare for cyber attacks is increasing in the energy industry.
Practicing to prepare for cyber attacks is increasing in the energy industry.
JYVSECTEC, operating at the JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Jyväskylä, has developed a realistic training environment where industry operators can train to prevent cyber attacks. Fingrid and Elenia piloted the training environment in the beginning of the year.
This year, the theme for Fingrid’s information security unit is training. The aim of the themed year is to create similar traditions for cyber training as for any other training by the transmission system operator. In the energy industry, interest in cyber training has developed in the wake of a threatening situation.
Finland has been taken over by digitalisation fever. It seems to be reaching all sections of society and is approaching hype proportions. Fingrid has already been carrying out digitalisation for years, especially in the automation of power system operations and proactive maintenance solutions. Today, digitalisation is used to achieve efficiency and cost benefits in all sections of business. Published 8.9.2017.
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Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure reliable electricity cost effectively for our customers and society, and shape the clean, market-oriented power system of the future.