
Electricity market

Open dialogue with customers is valuable

Transmission system operators do not know everything. Nordic transmission system operators have been in the habit of preparing their proposals together before asking customers and other stakeholders for their comments.

Electricity market

The energy revolution is leading to closer collaboration

Finland’s ambitious climate targets will lead to an enormous increase in electricity generation and consumption. This requires Fingrid to make investments and take other development measures to enable a clean electricity system. As Fingrid embarks on this work, it seeks to collaborate even more openly and closely with actors in the sector.

Main grid

Crossing company borders

Fingrid is part of the national Finland Young Professionals network. Networking is beneficial for developing company strategy and for the careers of young talents.


A player community for the energy industry?

One of the factors driving the success of the Finnish games industry is the level of openness and cooperation with players. Employees at game companies provide each other with tips about effective marketing tactics, help each other find good partners for the analytics used in games, and give unfinished games to each other and enthusiastic players for commenting.