Opportunity and coercion: Getting a grip on climate change
Although we have long been aware of the acceleration of climate change and its impact on biodiversity, we have only begun taking note of the economic impact in recent years.
Although we have long been aware of the acceleration of climate change and its impact on biodiversity, we have only begun taking note of the economic impact in recent years.
In September, Fingrid arranged a climate-themed week for its personnel. Elina Hiltunen, Futurist, and Riku Lumiaro, Biodiversity Expert, visited to talk about climate change as a trend, the loss of biodiversity, and what climate action will be required to mitigate and halt the change.
As Finland’s largest youth association, the Scouts are taking responsibility for fostering the relationship of young people with nature, writes Kaisa Leikola, Chief Executive of the Guides and Scouts of Finland.
The orderly conduct of duties, security of supply, a sustainable operating culture, offering a transmission platform for clean energy generation:
this is Fingrid’s responsibility.
Panel talks about the Nordic & Baltic experiences of TSO cooperation. “There are huge benefits in sharing best practices, solutions and ideas, if we in the energy industry work together”, pointed out Energinett’s CEO Thomas Egebo.
The ENTSO-E 10 Years Conference, held in Helsinki, Finland, on 13th November 2019, takes a look at various issues affecting the European electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) now and in the future. ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, represents 43 TSOs from 36 countries across Europe.
The Finnish authorities are forecasting and making preparation for the risks related to weather and climate conditions due to climate change. Fingrid is working closely with the authorities to ensure that electricity transmission continues uninterrupted, even in the event of extreme weather.
Stora Enso is one of the world’s largest operators in its industry, and it wants to be more than a forestry company. As a renewable material, wood offers solutions to the largest global challenges, such as climate change and increasing urbanisation.
Fingrid has committed to the United Nations’ Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and to promoting its sustainable development goals. Responsibility has been a part of the transmission system operator’s values and operating methods for a long time. Now the UN’s global sustainable development goals have also been linked with Fingrid’s business targets.
One of the goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to “by 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.” Consumers are being asked to take action to prevent climate change around the world. Large problems are solved by small acts on the part of consumers. Information and the right attitudes turn into responsible choices in a trivial way. I like to call this kind of wishful thinking the myth of the green consumer.
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Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure reliable electricity cost effectively for our customers and society, and shape the clean, market-oriented power system of the future.