
Municipalities play a crucial role in enabling the energy transition.
Preventive action is the prerequisite for a high standard of occupational safety. The amount of preventive action has increased enormously on Fingrid’s worksites over the past ten years.
The rapid electrification of society and industrial investment plans already pose a major challenge to the development of the power system.
Managing the nationwide power balance has become more important, and the revenue from balance services has accounted even for as much as two-thirds of the company’s revenues. As a result, Fingrid has transformed from an infrastructure company into a service company.
The most effective solution for the construction of offshore wind power from the perspective of both developers and consumers is that the project developer is responsible for building the connection lines and connecting their power plant to the mainland grid substation. This approach is also used in other production and consumption projects, allowing Fingrid to focus on developing the main grid.
The reform aims to reduce consumers’ exposure to fossil fuel price spikes, to accelerate investments in renewable energy sources (RES), and flexibility resources, and to enhance prevention of market manipulation.

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Behind the numbers


Attention ensures safety in conductor works

The safety of conductor works at Fingrid worksites is based on thorough planning,
teamwork and continuous supervision. Every employee plays a key role in managing risks, as even the smallest mistake can cause serious danger.

Transmission system operator at your service

Fingrid is the transmission system operator for Finnish people. Its mission is to safeguard a reliable energy supply for society and promote a clean, market-based power system.