A safety training park offers organisations the opportunity to practice occupational safety skills in training settings that simulate real work situations. Practical training helps people adopt safe working habits, which are later visible as a decrease in accidents and effective and proper handling of accidents that do occur.
A safety training park offers organisations the opportunity to practice occupational safety skills in training settings that simulate real work situations. Practical training helps people adopt safe working habits, which are later visible as a decrease in accidents and effective and proper handling of accidents that do occur.
The settings in Kuopio allow people to work in staged accident situations and consider the right and wrong operating methods. There are currently more than 20 practice settings in 6 different sector-specific areas:
• Industry
• Construction
• Electricity and energy
• Infrastructure construction and mining operations
• Management
• Retail, services and leisure time.
The safety training park also has a shared occupational safety section. Each individual practice setting has scripts compiled for the use of trainers, which ensures high-quality training sessions. Different practice settings can also be combined.
In addition to Kuopio, similar practical training environments in Finland are the Rudus Safety Training Park in Espoo and the Northern Finland Safety Training Park in Oulu.
Fingrid cooperated with Kuopion Sähköverkko and Voimatel to design and implement the electricity and energy section at the Kuopio occupational safety training area.
Further information: www.ttha.fi