Exercises in Oslo and Jyväskylä focus on preventing cyber threats

Practicing to prepare for cyber attacks is increasing in the energy industry.

Black Screen 2017, the first joint-Nordic cyber security exercise, was held in Oslo in early November, with all key Nordic energy industry actors taking part. The target of the two-day event was practicing cooperation methods and communication.

A total of 85 people from 16 different organisations participated in the exercise. The participants from Finland were Fingrid, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the National Security Supply Agency, and the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority’s National Cyber Security Centre Finland.

Fingrid and Helen in a joint exercise

Fingrid and Helen participated in a two-day cyber security exercise held at the Jyvsectec cyber security centre at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences. The event focused on practicing how to process cyber security deviations, organisational cooperation in exceptional situations, and increasing awareness of the risks related to ISC (Industrial Control System) environments. •

A total of 85 people from different Nordic countries took part in the first joint-Nordic cyber exercise in Oslo. Along with Fingrid, the participants from Finland included people from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, National Emergency Supply Agency and Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority.
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